Anneke Groeneweg
personal, production assistant
Utrecht / NL
about me
I am a production assistant for the Hilversum production companies Action Reaction Productions and Perry Mulder Productions. I fulfill the functions that are required. From Production to catering to runner to set dresser to continuity. I am not afraid to take on tasks and work with people. I also like to learn new things.

ask me for
Alles! Ik wil graag meer ervaring opdoen, productie, runner, alle algemene taken zou ik graag vervullen

Various 48 Hour Film Project films, including 1 Best Film Rotterdam AND Best Film World Wide.

On Air/Silent Shot - Action Reaction Productions

Santa's Cause - Action Reaction Productions

Best Film Rotterdam - These Dirty Words
Best Film World Wide - These Dirty Words

Best Non English Film - On Air
Best Production Design - On Air

Various Nominations and other prizes within the 48 hour film project

Short film

Anneke Groeneweg
Utrecht / NL
personal, production assistant