Marianna Bouquet
camera(wo)man, editor
about me
I have been working at K1 Cultmedia since 1998 as a camerawoman and editor. I have my own equipment (camera, audio and accessories).

I can also subtitle and translate into French. I am originally française and have been living in the Netherlands since 1995. I can also make simple websites. I am eager to learn and love teamwork.

K1 Cultmedia specializes in making trailers and recordings of performing arts. I have worked on about 200 productions. Look at to see films and at to see the list of who and for which productions I worked have. In 2008 I followed a Documentary Making course at TV College in Hilversum. Since then I have made two documentaries and now 3 are in production.

Camera JVC GY-201 en accessoires.
Zender microfoons en Sennheisers (nier en richt).
Korf en windjammer.
Set van 3 lampen.

software knowledge
Final Cut Pro en Adobe première pro.

Documentary, Theatre, Experimental

Marianna Bouquet
camera(wo)man, editor