Juliet Daalder
Amsterdam / NL
about me
Work experience

2012: Vrijland (series on Z@pp)
Major role: Bellefleur
Director: Diede in 't Veld, Aram van de Rest
Producer: NL film

2011-May: Raging (cinematic film)
Supporting role: Halima
Director: Dave Schram
Producer: Shootingstar

School productions:
2010-2011: Elektra (play with dance)
2009: Theater performance at Amsterdam Youth Theater School (AJTS)
2008–2009: Anatevka (musical)

2013: Video clip, Mondae- What you feel like. Director: Bram de Wijs
2013: Video clip, Mondae- Sunglasses. Director: Bram de Wijs
2013: "Dancing at Dusk" vintage clothing communication styling video for Artemis Academy. Created by Emily Huberts.
2012: Clothing stop motion; editing assignment ROC producer. Created by Estefenia ter Heerdt. Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_cn31w0wfg&feature=youtu.be
2012: Short film “De Clim” Application film for the Film Academy, direction. Created by Nick Golterman. Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GT18Rn3fXNo
2012: Internet soap, De Weg Over Rozen - by Golterman Pictures

Juliet Daalder
Amsterdam / NL